ADAT to ILDA Converter
The ADAT to ILDA Converter is the complete opposite of the ILDA to ADAT Converter. This device decodes the ADAT optical signal to 8 analog signals. Following the ILDA standard, the signals are converted, filtered, clamped and passed on to the ILDA DB-25 connector to attach to a laser projector.

The Converter can be attached directly to the ADAT Optical Out port on an ADAT, E-MU PCI card, Echo Layla 24/96 or the MiniDSP USB Streamer.

The ADAT to ILDA Converter comes fully assembled and tested. Also included is the power supply and optical cable.
Price: Discontinued
The ADAT to ILDA Converter is also available in OEM form. This will include an assembled and tested circuit board. The power supply, optical cable and potentiometers are not included. Potentiometers are optional, if not used a series of jumpers would need to be added to board.
Price: $285 +Shipping